Sunday, February 26, 2012

ISSE Butterfly

State Board Kit

Before getting my license from state board, I had to first purchase a state board kit. Which was $125, plus a study book called National and State Testing For Cosmetology that was $45.00. Even so I only open the first 10

The day I Pick up my kit, I decided to check it and take picture for anybody to replicate it, for school use.

Meaning you should only replicate it, if you're going to use it in school. Why???? Do I suggest this... because ..

1. If you replicate it, & forget something ... (you're chancing if you pass/fail stateboard)

2. If anything is un-sanitize in your kit, meaning it's dirty or it has hair Etc, you may be docked points, depending on your examiner.

3. Some kit company will give you free state board classes, as you buy a kit from them. (When I went to the classes I found them very useful towards stateboard news). Let's just say they were like TMZ, but for state board. They also give you guide lines in how to pass state board & helpful advice.
---They are the ones who told me about no more facials in stateboard and how starting in March-ish no more models are necessary for the state board exam, only a manikin, & a fake hand. (lucky!!).

The pictures, is a checklist I had to fill out before checking out my kit. (Ignore all my side notes etc)

Pictures from my kit

My disinfected open, for some odd reason.
Table Set-Up

Blood Spill

Blow Dry Styling
Hair cut: I recommend putting your own shears.
(I forgot to take a picture of my perm bag...sry bloggers)

Virgin Hair Lightening and Color Retouch: Don't forget about the P.D Test.

Virgin Relaxer and Relaxer REtouch

Virgin Relaxer and Relaxer Retouch

Manicure also include Acrylics


Manicure and tweezing, back look the same.

I wish everybody good luck for the state board test & if anybody has any question about anything, let me know ASAP since my brain is still fresh from state board.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Last two weeks of Cometology School.

My last two weeks of school was bittersweet, because I was able to go night and day, meaning I had school at 8am in the morning till 2:30pm and went back again at 4:30pm till 10:00pm at night. In total of 60 hours of COSMETOLOGY school per week ah!!! (This included my weekend =[ )

Yet, it was one of the most memorable day of my cosmetology life, because I was able to learn whatever I desired, in the morning class all thanks to a passionate teacher, who not only love her profession, but her students as well.

Why was I so crazy going night and day?????

Well it probably because, if you put 25 girls in a single room for more than 1500 hours, their bound to be drama, especially if your in a cosmetology school. There was so much drama and backstabbing bitches that they drove away a teacher to retire/leave of absence. But when I look back at it now, I kind of laugh because lets just say that teacher is not only an ordinary teacher but Platform Artist in the real world. lol.
-I also wanted to graduate faster, because of some time conflict with my Fullerton school.

So the first week started and i'm glad that two of my closest cosmetology friends were able to join me Adrianna Alvadaro and Edwin Garcia. We originality from the night class and join the morning class for the last two weeks of my cosmetology school. Luckily we were able to stay at Ms.T class, were she let us decided what we wanted to learn etc. We then voted to learn up-dos since we were neglected in that subject from the night class.

Here are some of my up-dos work.

My first time doing a hair bow

On the left side of the bow, I used a hair net: to control the hair & shape it.

I tease & knotted my hair doll so that I'm able to do bee hive!

This is the bee hive!

So all these up-dos were accomplish in the first week of class.....

Friday, February 17, 2012

ISSE Introduction Video

Its finally here, my intro video from the ISSE. Gosh!! that took forever, especially for the audio, but its done and the hardest video is out of the way yay!! Well, this ISSE video gives you a glimpse in what the ISSE is about and hopefully you guys like it & come next year.

Some of the photos came from the Facebook page of the Pro-beauty, Babak, and Vanessa Haro. Enjoy!

p.s. My next video which i'm now working on will be on a beautiful butterfly ...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

ISSE: International Salon and Spa Expo 2012

The ISSE was the GREATEST EXPO I have ever been, their was so much to do and many places I wanted to be. I had to pick and choose where I had to go and took many picture and videos, I will soon start editing and showing all the good stuff. For right now I have uploaded some pictures. Enjoy!

I came over to the Dinair booth and they just barley finish doing these beautiful hearts!!!!!  (I should of came sooner!)

These lips are georgeous and in the future will post the video.

Done by a student in Rubys' Makeup Academy

One of the things I like about the ISSE, is all their educational demos, like this one; Eyelash extension
and Minkys actually had a private classes during the ISSE.
Went to a class, and they demonstrated haircuts, and style.  

Martin Parson work. 


Yes, that is me and Martin Parson. He is famous for his artwork in Updo's.
(If anybody likes updos google his ass lol)
ISSE has many guest like Jessica Vartoughian, she is the maker of her own polish... Jessica.

Saw her in the press room with her body guard, didn't take picture, because she was relaxing and I wanted her to rest.

Nick Arroyo was on stage most of the time, cutting peoples hair, & his assistances cut my friend Mia hair on stage.

Of course a good hair show will always have some exotic hairstyles etc

Don't worry guys, my next post will probably be on the shopping!!!!